Thursday, January 9, 2014

Time for work

I needed a drink after seeing the killing Fields. The Tuk Tuk driver was waiting for us as we exited the museum area. Pete and I had separated earlier, more, I think, due to the privacy one needs in order to handle such an abominable experience than anything else. 
      (Memorial structure at Killing fields)

We had to find our Tuk Tuk driver and finally found him hammock bound in the shade of a bar. Check out his ball cap. That's why I picked him even though he had no clue who the Pgillies were;). 
On the ride back towards town we were both quiet. 
           O.          (Our tailgating Tuk Tuk dude)

We did decide however to head toward the Grand Palace area so I could get a tequila and have a chance to breathe. We were dropped in a backpacker area of town which had plenty of bars (with happy hours signs) and restaurants. We decided on a pizza shop which advertised margaritas for $1.50/ea. 
                     (Happy Food)

As the owner placed the perfect margarita on the perfectly placed sidewalk table, Pete and I chose a veggie pie. 
The gentleman asked, "you want Happy pizza?".
 We both responded "yes!".  
A happy pizza apparently comes with a kick. 
No, not extra veggies or even hot pepper. A happy Pie is a canabis pie! 
After a refill on my tequila beverage and a few Kind words with the proprietor and his staff, we were on our way in a Tuk Tuk to the other side of town to retrieve our passports and our Vietnam & Laos - multi-entry visas. The agency was closing and we were to pick them up by 6. 

We only had another 5-6 hours before the students would be arriving to the hotel. 
I had helped to arraigned a private mini-taxi-bus to pick us up in the morning. We are to depart our hotel at 10 am and be in  Ban lung, a 8+ hour drive northeast by dinner.
 The director of the NGO had big plans for our group to celebrate New Year's Eve & wanted us there early enough to organize. 
Problem was, the happy Pie was kicking in!
 With passports and new visas in our hands, we spent the next 4 hours walking down the dark dusty streets of Phnom Penh looking for anything we could justify eating to satisfy our insatiable munchies.
                  (Got shaves)

 Ice Cream? No, not a big seller, ice cream in the back neighboorhoods. Bakery, Yes! We bought $20 worth of cakes, cookies and sweets. 
Wtf was in the pizza sauce? We was stoned, immaculate!
 We ultimately got a good noodle dish at a sidewalk gourmet and foggily found ourselves back in the hotel room (with umpteen bags of baked goods. 
There were only a couple of hours left before I expected a call from the front desk to inform me that my students had arrived.
 I decided that it was imperative that I lay down and take a power nap before I have to greet a professor and 11 engineering students with the intention to lay out tomorrow morning's schedule. 

I woke at 12:50 am to the phone ringing. "Your group has arrived, sir", the pretty foreign voice announced. 
Wow! "I'm wasted", I thought out loud. I threw on a shirt and floated down the 4th floor hallway to the elevator.  
As the doors parted I found myself staring at a dozen 20+ year olds with barely a feeling between my ears. 
I think I said something like, "High! Wassup guys?!". All I could think of is "God, please let me make it back to my room before someone notices how F'd up I am". 
Don't ask me how it happened but somehow after a mumbled/fumbled and potentially stumbled attempt to communicate with my fellow professor, who had arrived with the group, I was back in my bed hoping to make up for whatever embarrassing items I displayed with my new tour group in the morning. 

It was just a normal looking pizza! But boy did it have a Kind punch!

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