Sunday, December 22, 2013

Gettin to Inle

Holy crap I hate night Buses! 
Just got in to Lake Inle. It's 4am and the typical night bus arrival scene. Dozens of taxi guys surrounding the bus pouncing on us to convince our sore broken night bus abused body's & brains that they are the "Cock for Dolly (nice!) and will give us the Best deal to bring us to the Best hotel. I'm not sure of my bargaining ability at 4 am a after a shitty night bus ride but I really didn't want to. We got into the back of a pickup with a half dozen other weary travelers and were off in the cold dark night to a hotel of the driver's choosing. 
               (The Remember Inn)

The first stop was "Remember Inn", our current residence. 
Cool Cuz and I remet our new friend Richard (one of the original 6 "Wild Hogs of Bagan") on the bus and invited him to share a triple with us ($10/night/ea) except since we were in prior to daybreak all he had available was a small two bed room in the back of the hotel. We were given that room free til morning and were moved into our real room later after a few hrs sleep. 
Kinda reminded me of another story, Joseph and Mary following a bright Star into Bethlehem looking for a room to give birth in. The innkeeper had no room in the Inn but gave them the stable out back (for free).
Rather fitting during Christmas aye?
The room we received wasn't much more than a stable. It was cold and damp and had two single beds in it. Cuz & me in one, Richard got his own. I passed out in 5 minutes.
I was the first one up and showered by 9 am. Still not fully rested but better for sure. 
I met a kid who works at the hotel on the way out of my room. Made me feel a little like a tweeter. 
            ( my Remember Inn Homie)

We all had breakfast in the open air dining room on the roof. Thought I'd try something new this morning since we were actually in a restuarant. Oh btw breakfast is included with the room (that we never paid for). No menu came just food. Sweet, fish soup and fruit! Hey why change a good thing. 
After breakfast and some time later we found ourselves on a river boat tour toward the Lake.
Cool Cuz, Richard and I met a dude with a boat walking through town and we decided to go for a ride to see the sunset.
 So well done are these boat services that it was seemless and we were on the water within 5 minutes of showing up at the dock. 
I took the back seat by the driver because I wanted a birds eye view over the entire scene. 
We traveled down a medium sized tributary heading toward open water. 

After about 30 minutes we had reached a big opening in the lake. 

(Our driver w kick ass handcrankengine )

We had been passing in close proximity, umpteen passenger taxi boats going both directions up to this point.

       (Local kids hanging on the dock)

 The views along the river are amazing. The shore line yields into green valleys filled with little water side villages with old school wooden docks hanging into the waterway. 

                    (Water village)

The bustling villages are backdropped by monsterous mountains reaching into the infinate bird filled blue sky. 

                   (River Laundry)

The temperature on the water is a bit cooler than inland but today a pleasant 70+*F and a welcome change from the sticky Yangon humidity we will be feeling again in a few days.

Our driver, who knows exactly zero English, headed toward a large patch of floating lotus flower in an open area in the widening. Apparently fish enjoy these little floating islands as the eat and socialize in their wet garden paradise below.

               (River Beauty untapped)

Super cool! The fishermen in this area have a technique of using their one leg to row as they fish w their both hands. 

   (Unique fishing style & a little show off)

We were out hanging with them
until sunset then bought some fish from them and headed back to town to cook them. 
Check out these pics!

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