Thursday, December 5, 2013

So getting close to travel day and Im finally starting to actually prep for  leaving. At this moment I am on the phone with ATT getting my phone and data plan registered so you guys can stay in touch with me when you start missin me))))..........

I've been on the line for 1/2 an hour now because the goofy dishrags never took the data plan off of my line despite my request to do so since my last trip to Guatemala back in August.  This means that I have been being billed by them since the end of August when I returned. Not cool and quite maddening.

Just wanted to point out how much I have grown over the years(Mom) by controlling my freakness. In my previous (or younger) life I would've be loosing it at this point on the call. I've  requested a supervisor and will......
Just spoke to Connie(Supervisor) and after another 30 minutes and umpteen explanations of how I actually did cancel the service to no avail I offered to accept the overcharges if they were willing to play me the recording of my August call during which I made my cancellation request. Surprisingly enough she could not acquire them. She then suggested that the best she could do within her rank was to remove 3 months of charges against my bill. Huh, why didn't they tell me that an hr ago?
 To this I accepted after doing a quick calculation in my head and determining that the removal of the last 3 months(Nov,Oct,Sept), $310.27 would get me clean. Unreal, that's all I was asking for in the first place!
The moral? Stay calm, persevere and type a blog while you are waiting around rather than getting steamed.
So that's done and I guess now I'll consider packing.
I know this isn't much of a travel blog yet but I'm guessing its gonna get more interesting as I head Eastward.
Cool, here we go with this blog thing!

Memory shots of Tikal & Lake Atitlan, Guatemala (August 2013).






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